One of the most valuable studies any Bible student can undertake is to trace God’s dealings with the Gentiles of different ages through the Word of God. Although the subject is far too vast to cover comprehensively in this short paper, we can, by God’s grace, lay a general groundwork for further personal study. This article will touch upon God’s dealings with the Gentiles (non-Jews) in prophecy, mystery, and in the coming kingdom.
As most of you already know, almost all of the Bible, except for Paul’s epistles, pertains primarily to the nation Israel. And yet the Gentiles occupy key positions in God’s plan for the ages.
To begin our discussion, how many times have we heard some devoted believers say, “My, how wonderful it would have been to have lived in the day of Jesus and walked with Him and heard from His very lips the gracious words which He spoke!” How disturbing it often is for them when they learn that our Lord would have had nothing to do with them, being Gentiles! But such a shock often is used of God to prompt more questions and further Bible study.
This article was published by the Berean Bible Society in the free monthly Bible study magazine,The Berean Searchlight. We have included a few paragraphs of the article here, but you can read the entire article using the link above.