Advertising agencies have learned that the most effective way to sell a product is to come up with a catchy slogan that will stick in people’s minds. One advertisement said, “Distinctively different” and “Different is good.” They did not mean that everything about their product was different, but that the differences were significant enough for this product to be superior to any of the others. In the following three lessons, we will see from Holy Scripture how Paul’s message was distinctively different (clearly seen to be different) from what came before, and that this difference is especially important for everyone alive today.
Paul’s Apostleship and Message
For the young people who have been learning from these lessons in the “Growing Up in Grace” curriculum, it has been often pointed out that the Grace Message differs greatly in many respects from what, for lack of a better term, might be called, “traditional Christianity.” However, is there one unifying truth that we can point to that will help us understand why it is different, and why so many Christians are confused as to what God is doing in the world today? Indeed there is! It is Paul’s unique apostleship and message. Unique means it is one-of-a-kind. It is unique in the sense that he did not receive it from any human on earth but rather from the resurrected and ascended Lord Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:11-12).
This article was published by the Berean Bible Society in the free monthly Bible study magazine,The Berean Searchlight. The article is excerpted from the Growing Up In Grace Sunday School curriculum. We have included a few paragraphs of the article here, but you can read the entire article using the link above.