When I was a young boy, my parents made me to go to church. I really didn’t like it at the time but there was at least once a year when I did. The church would hold what they called a communion service. I didn’t understand what it was all about but my brother and I sure enjoyed drinking those little glasses of grape juice and eating the crackers.
Since I have become a believer in Jesus Christ, I have tried to study this subject from every angle possible in the Word of God. By the grace of God, I now believe I understand what it is all about and desire to share the knowledge with others.
How many of us who observe the Lord’s Supper can explain why we do it and what its spiritual significance is? I have found that many believers have grave misunderstandings or at least a cloudy conception of the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. Because of this deficiency in the thinking of many, we’ll begin with some facts about the Supper. Then we should address some objections raised by some who believe that Christians should not participate in it today. Finally, we’ll look at a positive affirmation for taking it, as well as Scriptures which will strengthen the consciences of those who feel themselves unworthy to eat of that bread and drink of that cup.
Read More at BereanBibleSociety.org
This article was published by the Berean Bible Society in the free monthly Bible study magazine, The Berean Searchlight. We have included a few paragraphs of the article here, but you can read the entire article using the link above.